Another Year.

Friday, December 05, 2008 Edit This 4 Comments »

Well, the time has come.. Today is the day that God decided that I should enter the earth! What a glorious day it was/is might I add. I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that I am getting closer to 40 with every year (slowly) and I am super excited that I am going to celebrate in style this weekend!

I have friends coming from NJ and others here in the DC area who are going to share in this occasion with me and I am grateful. I honestly cannot say that anything major has happened to me over the past year but I do see growth in small subtle, may times consistent ways. I'm truly learning how to love and honor me. This journey does not come without it's challenges lord knows but what it does come with is an increased awareness that I don't have to be overcome by my circumstances. Do I fall short trying to be the best me I can be? Yes and I am sure that I will continue to do so but I just pray that by the grace of God I can make it to the other side. The other side of what I'm not exactly sure but I know it will be a place of self awareness that I'm not at now.

Thanks for taking this journey with me and where ever you are celebrate with me. Get a two piece dark meat meal with a biscuit from Popeye's, a Twinkie and some red flavored Koolaid, a
White Castle/Krystal burger or take a swig of a Old English 40 oz what ever you do, think of your girl!


4 What's on Your Write Mind?:

Anonymous said...

As I laid reading your post on my blackberry, I couldn't help but think about my 30th birthday which will be mid-next month and from there of course comes the next decade in time right?

The past nearly-ten years of my life have been interesting years indeed-a lot of life lessons indeed and I always think it's good that we can grow older and yet wiser.

I'm sure that despite anything that has been done wrong in your life, you've also tried to do a lot right and that's the most important thing.

Sandy said...

you are so wise beyond your years.. thanks for your encouragement. that last paragraph is it! :) happy early bday and oh yeah. thx for making associated mess private and for not inviting me!!! :)

enigma4ever said...

Happy Birthday.....I hope this is a great year for you....
40's are wonderful....they are nothing like the 30's....
you are wise, and on path to be wiser...

( and yeah, I will run right out and get White Castle...I wish there was a popeye around the corner....2nd thought probally good thing that there isn't one....)

Sandy said...

thanks.. and those popeys biscuits are soo yummy.. especially with honey! yummm