Inspiration from Charlie Brown... Just a little. Is this Really Inspiration?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Edit This 4 Comments »
What I've learned/discovered in 2008.....

Therapy is a really good thing.. A reeeeally good thing.
Sometimes girls can really be petty.
My friends are weird in their own way (me too)
I do have choices.
I cannot afford to buy a house on the beach in Martha's Vineyard :(

Mount Gay Rum is super yummy.
I am a perfectionist.
I am not perfect.
There really is some validity to my issues.
I love my sage and brown living room.

How to better control my anxiety (still working on that though..)
Me and God are truly in a legitimate beef.
I still cannot stand the site or thought of capers.
I can't eat non stop and expect not to gain weight.
I DO have the discipline to do what I gotta do. (I just don't always exercise it)

I really need to make more money.
I can't keep using credit cards and expect not to be in debt at the end of it all.
Everyone has a story, has been thru and overcome something.
I can be really nosey.
I really don't like excluding people intentionally (It makes me sad).

Friendships don't always last forever.
Chop't salads are THE BOMB!!! (I've spent at least $100 there since I discovered them.)
It doesn't pay to live beyond your means.
Facebook is a drug that you can easily get addicted to.
It's sometimes hard to rekindle an interrupted friendship.

It is possible to be strong in the face of adversity. I think.
I personally don't like it when people call only when they need something.
My TV does not pass the test. I need one of those little digital boxes. Fooey.
It is possible for a man (or woman for that matter) of color to be President of the United States.
Jarrow Dophilous + Fos (pro biotic) is your friend.

It's much easier to be honest. or should I say it doesn't pay to be dishonest.
That my second bedroom is a mess once again. Sheesh.
McDonald's Southern style chicken is surprisingly tasty.
You can't have everything (or can you? I'm still pondering this one)
Having a granny with dementia is sad but sometimes entertaining.

That taking a daily shower is not a bad thing. (who would have thunk it?)
It's ok to say no. (go figure).
That my health should be my first priority.
That I cannot put off getting new windows one more year. (Oh wait, I need $ for that)
I shouldn't spend my window budget before I get windows. Duh!

Patience isn't a super bad thing.
I know a gang of folks. But not all of them are my friends.
Lastly, I learned that I can go on and on but I won't. I'm tired.


I've met several new blogger friends this year and it's been great getting to know you! Be safe and lets make 2009 great, one day at a time! Three cheers for me and you what the heck!

4 What's on Your Write Mind?:

Darius T. Williams said...

I love these lessons...and yes - mount gay rum is the shit...had us tore up when we were in the caribbean!

Sandy said...

HA! you travelin man you!

enigma4ever said...

great lessons....and yeah someday when I hit lottery I will Buy a Bunch of Cottages in Martha's Vineyard for people like you and me........yup.....

Hang in there lady- the New Year Really starts 1.20.09.....

about time....

Sandy said...

i would love many houses! let me know when you hit! :) does the new year really start on the 20th?