Taking Care of Sandy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Edit This 5 Comments »
So, I'm really learning how to take care of myself in very small ways thanks to my "life coach" and a few other friends. Some things are very small and I didn't realize it had anything to do with me taking care of me and other things are very intentional. I've been doing simple things like lighting candles in the evening when I'm home and eating my food on some very pretty china might I add and I've been pampering myself with things like manicure/pedicures and shopping for new dresses that make me feel very girlie. The hard part is learning how to NOT spend money in this process.... There are lots of things I can do for me that don't include swiping that debit card. :)

The notion of taking care of myself has actually been quite a challenge for me because I've focused so much of my time on everything and everybody else but me over the years. Because of that, I'm gonna make a "be nice to Sandy" list and refer to it when I need to be good to me!

I realize that there are several things that I'll have work harder at than the average Joe. It's ok though, sometimes it beez like that.

Anyway people...Be good to you like I'm learning to be to me..... :)

5 What's on Your Write Mind?:

enigma4ever said...

take care of yourself...and yes lighting candles is sooo soothing..I have been doing that too...and buying treats on Fridays...just something to look forward too...and then I found Red Boxes to rent videos..keep the faith the lady...

Anonymous said...

That is a glowing photo of you Sandy and taking care of you has you looking more radiant that ever.

I always think it's important for women to take care of themselves, even more so than us men. Women are sometimes unappreciated by others (including us men) and taking care of themselves is sometimes the best way to remain in a loved state.

It's good that you've had this epiphany and it can only get better from here.

Sandy said...

Thanks Enigma and Marcus.. I'm really trying... For some this comes naturally. I have to work at it and hard.... but I'm becoming more aware and making it happen :)

Lisa G said...

Good for you Sondra D! I love reading your inspirational posts.

Here's a video I found the other day on using essential oils in various ways to improve your life/de-stress. I'm not sure how expensive the essential oils are, but I plan to try strawberry in the car and cinnamon when I go out on the town! :)


Lita Pita

Sandy said...

thanks lita :) video was good... im gonna try some of them.. expecially the strawberry in the car.. i have road rage :) i wanna try the peppermint at the gym too... woo hoo!! i miss you and hope to see you soon.