To Finish off my Fatness....

Sunday, May 03, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
I started out determined. I knew I was going away to Nawlins for work for four days, then to Florida for a week to see my Grandmother and Mom and I worked out with a vengeance before I left so that if I decided to have beignets in N.O. I could do that and not feel bad. I had a plan to work out daily at the hotel and when I got to Florida to go to Golds Gym and to the Beach daily to keep the momentum going. Well, it didn't quite happen that way. I was off to a good start, even went to the $10 hotel gym twice but something happened. I started eating and I couldn't stop. Everyday I would wake up and tell myself that today was a new day only to discover myself (for the thousandth time) falling off the wagon.

How could this be? I just finished a month of eating well (about 1200-1500) and working out, and had lost 6 pounds. I felt good, looked good and knew that this was it, and now look at me... Back to square one... I don't even wanna get on the scale as I am very disappointed in myself. I mean, the good thing about it all is that I still have a fight in me and plan to get back on track this week but to to finish off my fatness (in other words, add insult to injury) I decided to stop at McDonald's and have an apple pie with vanilla ice cream. How incredibly sad that I had to give myself a good bye gift of sort. It didn't even make me feel better but I did it anyway.
What am I gonna do with myself....?

4 What's on Your Write Mind?:

Anonymous said...

Oh how well I can relate Sandy...and now I'm back into blogging I will definitely share with you my highs and lows with my weight in the last year - boy has it been a ride of a lifetime! I'm not quite where I want to be, but I'm getting there.


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